Caught Out by Injury? How North Shore Hand Therapy Can Help Cricketers Bounce Back

Cricket in Auckland isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. But every cricketer knows that the pitch can throw more than just a curveball; sometimes, it throws challenges that land you in the injury zone. Whether you've been caught out by a fast ball or taken one too many dives on the field, North Shore Hand Therapy is here to help you bat those injuries away.

Our blog dives into the common cricket injuries that can sideline players and outlines how hand therapy services are designed to help you bounce back stronger.

Volar Plate Injuries

When you're fully engaged in the game, ready to catch that decisive ball, and suddenly feel a sharp pain in your finger joint, it could signal a volar plate injury. These injuries occur when the finger is forcefully extended beyond its normal range of motion.

The pain and difficulty in holding a bat or ball can be significant, but at North Shore Hand Therapy, we're prepared to address these challenges head-on. Through splinting to stabilise and protect the joint and targeted exercises to regain movement and strength, we ensure you can return to batting and fielding confidently and safely.

Tuft Fractures: More Than a Minor Setback

The fingertip might seem like a small player in the grand game of cricket, but a tuft fracture can have you declaring an unwanted injury timeout. A direct blow to the fingertip, can lead to a tuft fracture, might seem minor but are painful and can impact your game. . At North Shore Hand Therapy, we focus on mitigating these setbacks through splinting, swelling management, mobility exercises, and strengthening ensuring your fingertips regain their ability to handle the cricket ball with precision and power.

General Fractures: From Setback to Comeback

Fractures in the hand and wrist are not uncommon in cricket, given the sport's physical demands. Our approach at North Shore Hand Therapy is a custom treatment plan focusing on splinting, movement and exercises and t a carefully planned return to cricket, ensuring your recovery is as smooth as a well-maintained cricket pitch.

Wrist Sprains and Strains

A sudden twist or an awkward fall can lead to a wrist sprain or strain, leaving your wrist sore and your game compromised. These injuries are a common hazard in the fast-paced world of cricket, where every catch and bat swing counts. At North Shore Hand Therapy our approach involves comprehensive care, much may include splinting, and later combining strengthening and flexibility exercises to restore your wrist's function. We focus on rehabilitation that targets your specific needs, helping you regain your strength and confidence on the field.

Tennis Elbow: Overcoming Lateral Elbow Pain

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, isn't limited to tennis players; cricketers often experience it too, especially bowlers and batsmen who repeatedly use their forearms. This condition results from overuse of the muscles and tendons of the forearm, leading to pain and tenderness around the elbow. At North Shore Hand Therapy, we tackle tennis elbow with a range of treatments designed to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Our therapy sessions may include manual therapy, exercises to improve muscle strength and flexibility, and advice on activity modification to prevent recurrence.


Don't let injuries bowl you over or catch you off guard. With North Shore Hand Therapy, we are ready to support your recovery, ensuring that every run, catch, and wicket is within your grasp. So, if you're ready to turn those injury-led ducks into standing ovations, give us a shout. We're here to get you back in the game, stronger and more resilient than ever.

Book your appointment with North Shore Hand Therapy today and let us help you get back to scoring runs and taking wickets.


Netball: A Guide to Hand and Wrist Injuries


Be Back in the Game Faster: Treating Wrist Sprains