North Shore Hand Therapy

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Be Back in the Game Faster: Treating Wrist Sprains

Wrist sprains can be a real pain, literally! Whether you're shooting hoops, swinging a racket, or hitting the greens, a wrist sprain can throw you off your game. Dealing with a wrist sprain can be a real hassle, especially when it comes to everyday activities such as, typing away at work, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, or simply trying to open a jar. But fear not, because North Shore Hand Therapy is here to help you bounce back and get back to doing what you love in no time.

Understanding Wrist Sprains: So, what exactly is a wrist sprain? Simply put, it's when the ligaments or other structures in your wrist get stretched or slightly torn, usually from a sudden twist or impact. Ouch, right? It can leave your wrist feeling sore, swollen, irritable and not so flexible.

Treatment Options: But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here's how we can help you recover from a wrist sprain:

  1. Assessment: First things first, we'll take a look at your wrist to see what's going on. We'll check for any swelling, tenderness, or loss of motion to determine the best course of action. This usually involves referring for an x-ray or ultrasound as well. We may also refer you to a Hand Surgeon if we think it needs further investigations.

  2. Rest and Support: Sometimes your wrist just needs a little rest and support to heal properly. We might recommend wearing a splint or brace to give your wrist the extra support it needs while it heals.

  3. Therapeutic treatment: Using soft tissue techniques such as massage, taping, dry-needling and suggesting heat or ice we can help relieve the pain.

  4. Gentle Exercises: Once the acute pain has subsided, we'll guide you through some gentle exercises to help strengthen your wrist and improve its range of motion. Don't worry, we'll start off slow and gradually build up from there.

  5. Gradual Return to Activities: And before you know it, you'll be back to your old self again! We'll work with you to gradually reintroduce activities that may have been causing your wrist pain, making sure to take it slow and steady to prevent any further injury.

So there you have it, folks! Wrist sprains may be a pain, but with the right treatment and a little bit of patience, you'll be back to your usual activities before you know it. Don't let a pesky wrist sprain hold you back – reach out to North Shore Hand Therapy today and let us help you get back on track!

Please note that while these treatments have been effective for many individuals, results may vary depending on the severity of the injury and individual circumstances. Please seek an assessment from a Healthcare Professional.

Photo by cottonbro studio